Any online learning requires the following:
- Set time of day to work or "report" to class
- Designated folder on your computer labeled with the course name to keep files
- Word Processing application to type or copy/paste notes while learning
Online learning may be self-paced or may require projects and assignments turned in on at a certain time. Some require posting topics on a discussion board with fellow classmates and some require that you reflect in an online journal. Here are a couple of online opportunities worth the investment.
- Knowledge Delivery Systems-Georgia (KDS) offers a variety of online courses for instruction. They are GaDOE approved and one can finish a course in two months. Teachers work at their own pace and turn in final "essay" directly to KDS for review upon completion.
- PBS Teacherline offers a variety of online courses specific to content area or for general instruction. The courses have a built in discussion board and most instructors require the students to interact with others taking the course. Teachers will need to have a weekly committment to this course or otherwise risk getting behind. Even with that being said, the courses are still worthwhile for the content and resources.