Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Almost December

Goode's students are presenting their research projects starting Monday. I'm really looking forward to seeing them. I sense pride and confidence in the students so I can't wait.

Cantergiani is living her fourth "Technology Day" today. She loves the one on one she is able to achieve from the email, which is mainly being used by the students to turn in their reading letters. It is a lot of reading and writing to respond to the letters, but how else would students gets this kind of timely response from a LA teacher!!!

1 comment:

KC said...

Unfortunately, my responses are not so timely at the currentl time, but I'm working on it. But, I'll perservere because the kids are really reading my responses and taking my advice to heart. I often find that during classroom conferences, the attention span of myself & my students is briefer than normal because of the normal "bustling activity" of a working classroom. Sometime I feel like what we talk about during conferences goes in one ear & out the other. At least with the e-mail responses, the kids have a chance to reread & really think about what we're discussing.

I believe moving to a message board next quarter during our Eastern book circles unit will provide an interesting forum for thoughtful discussion.