Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Jog the Web

I was just combing over my blog (that I haven't posted in for over a year) and found my old entry for Job the Web. I love this site. In previewing the home page, I noticed there are many 'jogs' through 'Professional Learning' land. There's one on differentiation, but it looks more like a PowerPoint to me. Jog the Web is designed for the presenter who have several websites to show his or her audience as a topic is narrowed down.

Let's face it, some days, you have to lecture. This application is a simple jog through your resources. Show the students where you are pulling the information, pull up the book's website, if you have to.

PSAs in Science, Health, and Humanities

I'm working with an awesome teacher at Decatur High School, Jennifer Gonzalez. She is determined to reach every single student in her Psychology class. I love it.

What has inspired me most about this particular project and working with Jennifer is how technology really supports differentiation. The students have a week to create a plan for a Public Service Announcement (15 to 30 seconds of information to change public interest). Collaborating with other students one must agree upon a "parenting topic", determine the target audience, target a goal for the PSA (what is the message), storyboard it, script it, collect images, lay the voice track or film, pull it all together, proof it, provide credits, and export it for viewing.

These students are so engaged and you know what?! If they don't finish the actual product, no big deal, the script, storyboard/idea with psychology theorist facts to support it are enough to earn you a high score on the rubric.

Now we are not saying every group must have a GarageBand podcast, nor must they have a movie. Some are actually choosing to do a PSA flyer in InDesign, which has a higher learning curve. Students are actually making choices based upon the expertise in their group AND every student has something to do. Now the editing day might get a little crazy. We shall see...